Call to arms: Youth speech to COP high level plenary

This morning Munira Sibai, a Syrian-American student with SustainUs, delivered this speech on behalf of young people (YOUNGO). Although many governments could not be bothered to listen to their citizens, civil society was present in force: supporting Munira and each other in a way that governments can only dream of. Onwards. I stand before you given two minutes to make the same call for action...

YOUNGO intervention to ADP

The below statement was planned to be delivered by Fadi el Masry of the International Federation of Liberal Youth on behalf of Youth groups and delivered to the informal plenary of the Ad-Hoc Working Group of the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP). That plenary has been postponed for several days in a row - when or if it happens we will try to post the video, but for now here is...

Yes, Secretariat – We Are Angry

At a recent press briefing between the Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, the former president of Ireland, a senior Caribbean negotiator, and the youth, a  series of questions were posed to the youth by the panelists. Some youth found these questions patronizing  -- Earth in Brackets included. The questions were: What would you do differently? What would you change if you...

The kids are not alright: Frustration grows as the UNFCCC fails to actually address climate change

by Graham Reeder In 1992, the world’s governments came together in Rio and agreed to a framework convention with the straightforward objective of achieving “the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system.” This was to be achieved “within a time frame sufficient...

In Response to: Doha Climate Talks: First Farce, then Tragedy

This post is in response to an article on the Youth Climate Movement Blog "It's Getting Hot in Here." You can find the original post here. Martha, I am here in Doha with Earth in Brackets a student group from College of the Atlantic who studies international environmental politics and diplomacy. I agree that the bureaucratic system and economic influences of COPs can be disheartening and seem...