YOUNGO intervention to SBI

this intervention was delivered to the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI) by David Gawaith of the New Zealand Youth Delegation on behalf of YOUNGO Thank you Chair, my name is David Gawith and I will be 60 years old in in 2050 Your task this week is a challenging one. The SBI is expected to complete its entire business this session by Saturday.  We stand ready to assist you in this...

Demand A Future

Some new friends of ours were present at the Thursday action, and made a short video about it: Basta! Rio+20 Walk Out from Permacyclists on Vimeo. On June 21, 2012, leaders from around the world gathered in Rio de Janeiro to discuss sustainable development and related issues. Nobody hoped for much but the results were even worse than expected. Some members of civil society who were present...

Yet Another Disappointment

Filmed by: Nimisha Bastedo A group of passionate, frustrated women gathered in Rio Centro on June 19th, protesting against the current state of the document. They proclaim that as far as women's rights are concerned, "it's worse than in1992"! They are especially disgusted at the fact that reproductive rights are not included in the text. The list of...

Reaction to Brazil’s “Presentation of a New Text”

Julian gives an update on today's events: As host country, Brazil takes charge of negotiations, and developes a new text (with merged and newly agreed-upon paragraphs) for the work to continue on. Then they distribute the delegates-only pavilion. Oh, and Switzerland wants to go to the beach.  

[earth] in Durban

June 16, 2:00 pm - As we head into a new phase of negotiations, with Brazil introducing a new text in one hour, and the degree of continued major group involvement at Rio Centro unclear, here's a look back at the power youth can have - regardless of restricted areas and closed meetings.   Durban from Devin Altobello Documentarian on Vimeo. Engaged youth today are galvanized by...