Why I shouldn’t date an Annex I guy?

by India Leela Raina from the Adopt A Negotiator project  To date or not to date and why? Among the 12 of us tracking the delegations here in Bangkok , I’m really tempted to go out in the evenings after a hard day’s work in the negotiations. I think after running after 60-year-old negotiators from my country I require some youthful energy to enthuse the atmosphere! From the perspective of a...

Talking climate in Bangkok

by Lauren Nutter (Our bikers Juan Carlos Soriano and Lauren Nutter are currently attending the Bangkok Climate Change Talks 2009) After waking up at 3:30 in the morning to head to the airport, and finding frost on my car already thanks to the lovely Maine climate, I was happy to arrive to the warmer weather of Bangkok.  More importantly, I was excited to see some progress at the next negotiating...

Canada rhymes with Rona?

by Virginie Yesterday morning, I arrived at the conference center slightly disheartened: little or no progress has been made on the issue I have been closely following, namely post-2012 or the Beyond Kyoto “bubble”. Nonetheless, we had a big day ahead with opportunities to listen to Kofi Annan, Sir Nicholas Stern (lead UK economist and author of the Stern report) and the ministerial...

Thank You Denmark!!!

by Matthew Two rounds of applause concluded Denmark’s Minister for the Environment and Nordic Cooperation, Connie Hedegaard, at her high-level speech today. Finally somebody said what we all were thinking, and more. Connie started off her speech with a question: “Does anybody here think that Climate Change is not a problem?” Silence followed. Then another question: “Does anybody think...

Weather and development

by Sarah After lunch, I walked by the World Meteorological Institute’s (WMO) booth and decided to try to get a better idea of how people actually monitor things like atmospheric temperature, sea surface temperature, weather, etc. and how that information is used. After speaking to a WMO representative, I have gleaned the following info, which I think is interesting. There are several satellites...