Can we score goals in the right place? – Day 2+3 OWG12

by khristian méndez // Inside the Headquarters of the United Nations, the Sustainable Development Goals are being negotiated. Negotiations are taking place not only between governments at the formal and informal negotiations at the ECOSOC Chamber, but also outside of it in bilaterals, between Major Groups and other stakeholders. Chairs are asking to trim down numbers of targets and goals,...

What exactly is the way forward? – Day 1 OWG12

by khristian méndez // A little after 9am this morning, the doors of the Economic and Social Council Chamber were opened to dozens of members of Civil Society who were awaiting the morning briefing. Right before they opened, Roman and I had a lovely exchange with a lady who spent 30 years working in this building, so she’s become… quite skeptical of these processes. She is now an elder...

Sustainable History / Historia Sostenible

by khristian méndez // EN / Ever wondered what gave rise to the Sustainable Development Goals? and how did these summits began in the first place? Find out after the jump! ES / ¿Alguna vez se han preguntado de donde vienen los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible? y, ¿como se originaron todas estas cumbres políticas? ¡Entérense aquí!