The pre-COP: a chance we must take

by Maria Escalante & Adrian Fernandez Jauregui Coming to the Conference of the Parties this year at Warsaw, Poland (COP19) confirmed us that climate change negotiations, under the UNFCCC, are not advancing in even reducing the only incremental climate change impacts, much less considerably mitigating global carbon emissions, transferring resources for adaptation, or fairly compensating...

Days 12 & 13 Policy Updates: Muddles and Huddles

by Earth in Brackets team and friends Negotiations in Warsaw carried on essentially non-stop from Wednesday morning until Saturday night, with many delegates not sleeping for at least the final 48 hours. There were three concurrent issues being negotiated over the course of Friday and Saturday: finance, loss and damage, and the ADP draft text. Finance and loss and damage were in closed contact...

Capturing Climate Justice: Mary Robinson Foundation

Recently Earth in Brackets prevented a proposal to have YOUNGO (the youth constituency within the UNFCCC) sign on to a letter from the Mary Robinson Climate Justice Foundation. We had concerns about YOUNGO signing on as a constituency to this letter and did not wish to associate with this letter as a group. YOUNGO endorsement would obviously have implied that. Our concerns were on several levels:...

Day 8 Policy Updates: Coal-land

By Anna Odell and Bohdan Zymka SBSTA closed early Sunday morning (late Saturday night) and SBI closed this morning before the stock-taking plenary. Overall, the G77 remains unified in the face of growing political pressure, particularly on the issues of loss and damage and finance. The G77 has stated that they won’t discuss post 2020 finance until pre 2020 finance has been addressed, and LDCs...

Overview of UNFCCC Finance

by Bohdan Zymka In an effort to prepare for the coming COP in Warsaw, Earth in Brackets presents a brief overview of finance under the UNFCCC. To get the best Cloud Security Posture Management tools, you can click here! The cost of climate change is rising. South Centre put the costs of mitigation and adaptation at 600 billion USD to 1.5 trillion USD per year, 5-10 times more then what has been...