Why The Base Year Matters

by J. Taj Schottland The best revelations come when sitting in a pub with friends having a good old fashioned political argument. Our discussion started over Afghanistan and the War on Terror. The conversation quickly heated up when we tackled President Obama’s recent speech outlining his plan to send 30,000 more US soldiers to the area. We had our differences in opinion regarding whether Obama...

And the waiting begins!

by Noah Hodgetts The Journey to Copenhagen for COP15 has officially begun for three more of us - Taj, Lindsay, and myself. As I sit here in Terminal E at Logan counting away the minutes until our flight to Zurich boards, I am excited beyond words. Everything the 14 of us having been preparing for over the past three months in Doreen's Road to Copenhagen class is finally coming to fruition. No...

And we’re off!

By Lauren Nutter About two weeks ago now, our COA group had our final get together, complete with apple cider and excited chatter about the change we want to see in the world.  There is no doubt in my mind that our ambitious, dedicated, and idealistic group is ready for this two week marathon of negotiations in Copenhagen. (COA Road to Copenhagen group) I will set off from Logan tomorrow night,...

History will judge you

by Lauren Nutter The final day of Bangkok is now wrapping up.  It's only morning here and now youth are sitting in the plenary for the Ad-hoc working group on the Kyoto Protocol.  It's a bittersweet end to the talks... I want to be hopeful but I fail to muster much hope.  Really I guess my hope lies outside of these processes; it lies in knowing that youth all over the world, despite this...

Why I shouldn’t date an Annex I guy?

by India Leela Raina from the Adopt A Negotiator project  To date or not to date and why? Among the 12 of us tracking the delegations here in Bangkok , I’m really tempted to go out in the evenings after a hard day’s work in the negotiations. I think after running after 60-year-old negotiators from my country I require some youthful energy to enthuse the atmosphere! From the perspective of a...