Overview of UNFCCC Finance

by Bohdan Zymka In an effort to prepare for the coming COP in Warsaw, Earth in Brackets presents a brief overview of finance under the UNFCCC. To get the best Cloud Security Posture Management tools, you can click here! The cost of climate change is rising. South Centre put the costs of mitigation and adaptation at 600 billion USD to 1.5 trillion USD per year, 5-10 times more then what has been...

Industrial agriculture ought to move away: agroecology is the only safe option

by Maria It is pretty clear that the planet is increasingly warming up as we keep emitting carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and extracting natural gas from the ground. Or at least it is pretty clear to more than half the world’s population who in recent decades have been dealing with periods of abnormal rainfall, intense floods and droughts, heat waves, and loss of biodiversity. While...

UN Climate Report Sparks Month of Action on Energy

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release, 26 September 2013 Contact: Alex Rafalowicz, alex.rafalowicz@gmail.com, skype: alexrafalowicz, tel. +57 318 343 9284 TODAY - With the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's latest report that confirms climate change caused by human emissions is not only happening but accelerating, with devastating consequences for both people and the...

Lofoten Summer Camp: Looking Ahead

In just one month from now, an Earth in Brackets contingent will join other youth activists from Canada, Nigeria, and all across Europe in Lofoton, Norway, for Young Friends of the Earth Europe's (YFoEE) annual summer camp. The six of us just wanted to add our voices to the chorus of excitement already building ahead of July's gathering. The location is clearly important: the Lofoten islands are...

On the World Social Forum – Tunisia, March 26-30

by nathan thanki The dust having finally settled following the first ever World Social Forum in the Arab world, which took place at El Manar University in Tunis from March 26-30, we must ask ourselves some tough questions about the future of the Forum. The event was highly anticipated, with many activists from a variety of social movements being drawn to and intrigued by post-revolution Tunisia,...