Elusive Unity

by Julian Velez Unity between the different groups is a key aspect for the outcome of these negotiations, because that is how strong positions on the decisions come about and also that is how agreements come forward. If each country only pushed for their agenda and their agenda only, nothing would happen. Countries work as blocks to find united positions that give strength to their statements....

A Manufactured Process

by Trudi Zundel Allow me to quickly clarify that I'm not an idealist about the UN; I know that the concept of a "fair" international negotiation is  contradicted by the presence of global hegemons--outcomes certainly don't reflect a middle ground between nations. However, the last three years of UNFCCC negotiations have shown us that although the power dynamics of negotiations may not lead to a...

The Great Escape

Or "How they help us help ourselves lose the fight" by Anjali Appadurai Is the climate regime unraveling before our eyes in Durban? There are some scary indications that it is. Some Parties are "cautiously optimistic" (India), some are "reasonably optimistic" (Brazil) and some believe that this is all going down the drain (a different Indian negotiator). The truth is, expectations are all over...

The Future of Developed Country Commitments: Mitigation in the new LCA Text

by Trudi Zundel The new AWG-LCA text came out on Saturday, a bulky 130-page document that was to serve as a guiding tool for the high-level negotiations going on this week. The LCA, or Long-term Cooperative Action, is the negotiating track that runs alongside the discussion on the future of the Kyoto Protocol. Any "Durban Mandate" that comes out of this session will be based on the LCA...

Who Are These Guys Anyway?

by Joe Perullo I decided to do some investigating on who exactly the country delegates were.  Who hires them? Who are they really representing? What do they do outside of the UNFCCC? When we say the US is stalling progress and shoving responsibility onto developing countries, who exactly do we mean?  A lot of fingers are pointed at the delegates, but they're just people, right? The US was my...