Agriculture, Aviation, and Article 4.1.(c): a report-back from Sector Specific Approaches

by Trudi Zundel Yesterday Parties met for the first time to talk about cooperative sectoral approaches and sector-specific actions under the Working Group on Long-Term Cooperative Action. Sectoral approaches are simply work programmes that are specific to different sectors, like agriculture, aviation, or waste managment, for example. These sector-specific actions are supposed to "enhance the...

Youth is wasted on the young (?)

by Nathan Thanki Let me preface everything that follows by saying that I honest to god appreciate the official Youth constituency (YOUNGO) just for existing.  I am so glad that these people (you!) are here. If nothing else we are all on the same side (yes, there are sides) and I recognize the need for a loud, unified voice. I like the set up a lot; the horizontal, decentralized organization of...

Climate From Space!

by Joe Perullo I decided to spend this morning perusing around the display counters.  They are mostly NGOs, national environment departments, and institutions who have something to say about what their doing in the fight for a more livable world.  I wanted to lean about the cool things some people are doing before I would be swamped trying to follow the political insanity bound to come in the...

Julian’s Intervention

Yesterday Julian Velez, representing the youth, had the great opportunity to give an intervention during the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties (CMP), the main negotiating body that works under the Kyoto Protocol. The ability for civil society to give interventions is one of the only official avenues within the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to express...

A Purposeful Media Presence

by Devin Altobello For the privileged who have convened in Durban, South Africa this is a pivotal gathering with an expected outcome. A generation known as presumptive; entitled; social and languid is given a face lift here at COP 17 where optimism, concern for the planet and each other charges through the collective body of young climate justice advocates. I am capturing this energy and optimism...