Once more into the breach: Reclaiming Power at the frack pads and in the UNFCCC

by nathan thanki This past weekend, while a massive group of ies made the insane 15 hour journey to Pittsburgh for Powershift 2013, those of us who remained gathered together for Global Frackdown 2. Having recently sent over a dozen volunteers to canvass for Protect South Portland in their effort to block Tar Sands via a waterfront protection ordinance, and with half our group in Pennsylvania,...

Response to ‘Concern’ over Reclaim Power Actions at the World Coal Conference

cross posted from Push Europe As you probably already know we have been busy planning Reclaim Power - Month of Action on Energy for the past few months & the focus of week two in Europe is People Vs Coal.  With Berlin hosting ‘Coaltrans Berlin’ – the 33rd world coal conference, bringing together over 600 companies with interests in coal – our groups and partners thought that this...

Victory in Lofoten!

This has been cross-posted from our good friend and ally Silje Lundberg's website - http://siljelundberg.putsj.no/post/62801917131/we-secured-the-lofoten-islands. We are proud to know Nature and Youth activists who have tirelessly fought to keep LoVeSe oil free in a difficult political climate. In July, 6 members of Earth in Brackets visited Lofoten for a Young Friends of the Earth Europe camp....

UN Climate Report Sparks Month of Action on Energy

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release, 26 September 2013 Contact: Alex Rafalowicz, alex.rafalowicz@gmail.com, skype: alexrafalowicz, tel. +57 318 343 9284 TODAY - With the release of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's latest report that confirms climate change caused by human emissions is not only happening but accelerating, with devastating consequences for both people and the...

Holding a tension: grassroots and global activism

by nathan thanki In my previous post I alluded to some exchanges of ideas in Lofoten at the Young Friends of the Earth Europe camp. All of last week, including during both 25 hour train, bus, and boat journeys, we’ve been attempting to initiate and contribute to frank discussions on the perceived divide between "international" and "grassroots" activism.   Now it is clear that those of us...