Analysis of the most recent text on food security

By Nimisha Bastedo, Anna Odell, Clara de Iturbe and Lara Shirley Having watched the development of the issue of food security in the negotiating text from the original release of the Zero Order Draft to the current negotiating text, we have identified some key areas that are particularly relevant and/or contentious in the facilitator’s suggested text. We have examined the text in depth, and...

¿…desarollo sostenible? ¿Qué hay del proceso?

El Futuro que Queremos será imposible si tenemos este presente. El cuarto es gris, con alfombras, mesas una a la par de otra creando las orillas de un rectángulo. Nueve sillas adelante y detrás, dieciséis a cada lado. 50 asientos azules que recibirán a los delegados oficiales de distintos países que vienen aquí a discutir, de acuerdo a la agenda,...

Urgency and Emergency

A conversation with a delegate By Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler The shuttle to the UN conference center only stops in front of the major hotels, where the important country delegates are staying.  Hot air rises to upper-income accommodation.  After the walk or taxi ride to the nearest hotel, it’s another hour by bus to get to the convention center.  Most days I think that time will...

[Earth] and Rio+20

Rio+20 delegation member Nimisha Bastedo created this video about Earth in Brackets and Rio+20! Earth in Brackets at Rio+20 from on Vimeo. Earth in Brackets is a student organization based out of College of College of the Atlantic that engages with international environmental and sustainable development politics. We have been following the process leading up to the United Nations Conference on...

Expectations, Expectations

Why global summits matter: Rio+20 by Ana Puhač When last December TIME magazine featured the “the protester” as the person of the year, I thought how in the future, that publication could be seen as one of the most symbolic images that marked the start of a new global era. The world is in crisis? Isn’t that what every generation before us, facing a transition into a new global paradigm has...