Juan Olmedo / Juan’s blogs
Samuli Sinisalo / Samuli’s blogs
Samuli Sinisalo
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What are you up to now?
I am finishing my MA-degree in the Institute of Social Studies the Netherlands. I study economics for development, and am about to begin writing my thesis which focuses on the effects of natural resource booms on different welfare indicators. Due to the lack of climbable rock in Holland, I’ve got myself a surf board.
Which international conferences did you attend during your time at COA?
UNFCCC COP15 in Copenhagen
UNFCCC Interim negotiations in Bonn 2010
UNFCCC COP17 in Durban
What did you study while you were at COA?
My standard answer to this is that I studied politics, economics and international climate negotiations. I did my senior project about the economic crisis in Europe.
What do you and did you think the importance is of youth involvement in international negotiations?
I think it’s a great learning experience and opportunity for the youth that have the chance to go. The youth also make their presence noticed in the negotiations. But I’m quite realistic about how small the impact of the youth on the final outcome of those negotiations is.
What is Earth in Brackets to you?
It has taken great leaps forward. Looks much more professional now than four years ago.
What advice would you give to young environmental justice activists?
Be smart about when, where, how and why you spend your energy. Find the opportunities where you can really accomplish something and work hard for them. Don’t just vent your anger and frustration into some meaningless activities.
Anything else?
I’m not too far yet, I’ll graduate next december, and that’s when it will really begin. I wanted to get the masterd diploma out of the way on one go.