Beyond Their ‘Monkey Business’ Future

By Nimisha Bastedo The discussion ended at the first Preparatory Committee meeting for Rio+20 back in May 2010. It ended when all of the people’s concerns were not implemented into that “zero-minus draft” that formed the basis of these negotiations. For twenty years, negotiators have led us through this bracketing and un-bracketing, and now they are being put up in $500-a-night...

Reaction to Brazil’s “Presentation of a New Text”

Julian gives an update on today's events: As host country, Brazil takes charge of negotiations, and developes a new text (with merged and newly agreed-upon paragraphs) for the work to continue on. Then they distribute the delegates-only pavilion. Oh, and Switzerland wants to go to the beach.  

Rio+20: ¿El Futuro Que Realmente Queremos?

by Julian Velez Frente a la profunda crisis económica, social y ambiental de nuestro planeta nuestros gobiernos están fracasando en proponer soluciones reales y en priorizar el bienestar social y ambiental en sus agendas políticas. Esto se vive en las negociaciones del texto “The Future We Want” (El Futuro Que Queremos), plataforma de discusión de la...

[earth] in Durban

June 16, 2:00 pm - As we head into a new phase of negotiations, with Brazil introducing a new text in one hour, and the degree of continued major group involvement at Rio Centro unclear, here's a look back at the power youth can have - regardless of restricted areas and closed meetings.   Durban from Devin Altobello Documentarian on Vimeo. Engaged youth today are galvanized by...

Analysis of the most recent text on food security

By Nimisha Bastedo, Anna Odell, Clara de Iturbe and Lara Shirley Having watched the development of the issue of food security in the negotiating text from the original release of the Zero Order Draft to the current negotiating text, we have identified some key areas that are particularly relevant and/or contentious in the facilitator’s suggested text. We have examined the text in depth, and...